Tuesday 17 April 2007

Some Quite Interesting Widgets

As some of you may already know, you can get my blog in widget form. It's a nice graphic that fits snugly into your website's sidebar with links to the posts on this blog. It updates automatically. Now you can also get a widget that will display an updated list of Rolling News stories on your website from QI.

I've already added one in my left hand sidebar (doesn't it look nice). If you would like a widget just like it for your own website/blog go here. You can even change the style to fit your own website. All that you need to do is click "get this widget" (register if you are not already), add it to a panel and then install that panel on your page. If you're using blogger (like me) you wont even need to copy and paste any code.

If you want to get the widget that displays links to posts on this website then go here and follow the same steps described above.

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